We are confident in our ability of sending you a puppy well adjusted for your home. From the time our puppies are born, they are handled daily and called by name, once we or you have appointed them one. Music is played for their pleasure and socialization. It's been said puppies feet must touch at least 7 different textures by the age of 8 wks. We can guarantee ours have done over 20. We are very hands-on!
*To make the transition to your home the least amount of stress on everyone, please read and carefully follow our instructions below. We are not experts but having raised puppies for 15 years, have gained much needed knowledge.
Baths are given at least twice by the age of 8 wks. and sometimes many sponge baths depending on how well Mother does her job. Nails are trimmed continuely so as not to harm Mom. We use human toenail clippers on our puppies. In continuing these efforts, bathing should always be a bonding time rather than a battle.
***Pembroke Corgis need a good brushing every 2 weeks. They do not clump hair like the aussies do but do have loose hair that you don't want all over your house.
***Australian Shepherd puppies will do well with a weekly brushing. We find that twice a year, once they've reached adulthood, a very thorough brushing needs to be done on them to remove large clumps of excess hair.
*Oatmeal shampoo is excellent for conditioning your puppies skin & coat. Also adding Omega 3 over their kibble can help.
80% of puppies have bad teeth by the age of 3. We recommend you buy healthy treats such as: Greenies, Milkbones or rawhides which help eliminate the tartar and bad breath. Rawhides need to be supervised so that your dogs doesn't choke. A good quality food can also do much good in this area.
Toys of all kinds, soft to tough, help eliminate the different types of plaques with accumulate on their teeth.
*February is Pet Dental Month, meaning less expensive rates.
Remember, a new puppy will need many little naps throughout the day. This would be a good time to introduce him or her to it's crate. If you have multiple floors in your home, a crate with a comfy bed is nice for your pet on each floor. When he/she is tired they can curl up securely at any time and nap.
Our puppies 1st begin eliminating on newspaper and very quickly pick up how to use a puppy-door (pet door) for their duties thereafter. Upon coming home to you & their "new" surroundings, they will need to learn your accomadations. Give them a small washable area (laundry room, kitchen or bathroom) of confinement 1st, when you are unable to watch them. Nearly every 2 hours you will need to take your puppy outdoors. Go with them so they don't feel as if they're in trouble. Remind him or her to "Potty". Shortly after waking, eating or playing are also critical times. Using a crate beside your bed can be very helpful as well. The crate also doubles as a safe haven for trips to the vet.
Remember, a new puppy will need many little naps throughout the day. This would be a good time to introduce him or her to it's crate. If you have multiple floors in your home, a crate with a comfy bed is nice for your pet on each floor. When he/she is tired they can curl up securely at any time and nap.
We begin feeding Pro Plan focus puppy food to our puppies at 5 1/2 weeks of age (samples will be given with your puppy). We free feed our puppies, for optimal growth. *Less stress is put on a puppy when they continue with the same puppy food they are accustomed to. To encourage your new puppy to eat for the first few days until they feel more comfortable you can smear cottage cheese, plain yougurt, canned Proplan puppyfood etc. on their kibble.
*Karo syrup or honey can be smeared on the roof of their mouth to energize them to eat. Veterinarians sell Nutrical.
*Hypo-glysemia can be brought on by your puppy becoming chilled (ours are raised in a 75 degree environment), stressed from many different things such as more commotion then he or she is used to, children playing too hard, other household pets, too many new people being introduced. Not unlike human children, these Toy puppies especially, need to eat proper (4 x a day works best until they are more accustomed to their new home), and sleep several times throughout the day.
***Australian Shepherd puppies are generally eating 1 cup per day at 8 wks. of age. By adult age, 2-3 cups if living a moderately active lifestyle.
If you choose to change dogfood brands, wean them out gently. It is a 6 day process of adding a little more each day of the new variety. By day 7, your puppy will be strictly on the new.
Having a variety of different toys will help to entertain your puppy when you can't be present. Once toys have been damaged from extensive chewing dispose of them before they become ingested by your dog.
*** Pembroke Welsh Corgis do well with all toys. Make sure the toy is large enough that it does not become a choking hazard.
Before puppies go home, at 8 wks. of age, they have received their 1st vaccination of Parvovirus (Nobivac) then we begin the 5-way series (Galaxy Canine 1-DAPPv). You will need to get a 2nd round in this series at 9 wks. of age. Then follow up with a final 3rd round by12 weeks of age. The Rabies vaccine will be given at the 12-16 wk. mark by your veterinarian as well. It is extremely important to safeguard your puppy until he or she has received the final round of immunizations. Do not visit public places where other dogs have been. Your puppy is not protected from disease until he/she has finished their 4-step vaccination series. This includes such places as Petsmart, Murdochs, pet parks, even your veterinarians office. Our puppies are taken in a crate or held in our arms to receive their first puppy visit at 7 wks. of age.
Deworming with Pyrantel & Paomote, will also have been done at 4, 6, & 8 wks. of age.
We recommend micro-chipping as well as a collar with your name & phone # on it for your new pet. Many people will return a pet whose tagged but keep a pet who is not. Micro-chipping has helped pets & owners find one another 6 or more months later.
My veterinarian with 30 years expertise does a very thorough examination at 6-7 wks. of age. He is also a breeder and provides us with 5 days worth of Metronidazole (firms stools) to send home with new puppies. Metron is for stress diarrhea which is very common in puppies. Their whole world is about to change, new surroundings, voices, scents, excitement of meeting so many new people can be stressful for a puppy.
New puppies can be so full of life and excitement. It is best to remember that when picking them up. Be sure to have a secure grip on them when you hold them so they don't wiggle out of your grasp and fall. Never pick them up by their front legs, always under the belly & behind. *Children do well to sit down and hold the puppy on their lap.

We recommend NuVet Plus vitamins as their daily cookie.
Call: 800-474-7044
Order code: 42348
We feed this exact bag shown above. Good for puppy through adult age.
Puppy Protocol
We are confident in our ability of sending you a puppy well adjusted for your home. From the time our puppies are born, they are handled daily and called by name, once we or you have appointed them one. Music is played for their pleasure and socialization. Our children also interact with them. It's been said puppies feet must touch at least 7 different textures by the age of 8 wks. We can guarantee ours have done over 20. We are very hands-on!
*To make the transition to your home the least amount of stress on everyone, please read and carefully follow our instructions below. We are not experts but having raised puppies for 18 years, have gained much needed knowledge.
Copy and Paste this in search bar
Dear Puppy Buyer,
I highly recommend NuVet Plus.
More than a million dogs and cats are using NuVet to protect against most ailments (from back yard pesticides, pet food allergies and hormones, toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting, ailments transmitted from dog parks and the vet’s office, etc), while maintaining a beautiful skin and coat.
NuVet Plus is not just a vitamin. It’s is an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids and high-potency antioxidants. That’s why it works so well through all three stages of a dog’s life.
P For younger dogs (under 2 years old), it strengthens their immune system, while building and strengthening the cardiovascular, skeletal and nerve systems.
P For dogs in their prime (age 2-8), it improves the luster of their skin and coat while protecting against allergies, skin and coat problems, staining from tears, digestive problems, etc.
For older dogs (over 8 years old), it helps reduce and eliminate arthritis, tumors, premature aging, cataracts, heart conditions, diabetes and many types of cancer, while extending the life and improving the vitality of many dogs.
We highly recommend NuVet Plus to keep your pet on the path to perfect health! It’s not available in stores, and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional.
You may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 42348, or order online at By using autoship you can save an additional 15%. To the long life and health of your puppy!
Mark Jones
Cobby Corgis

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